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Repairs Needed! 

One of our units that houses two families needs critical repairs and renovations before new families can move in. 

Here’s the situation: This unit was occupied for the last year with a family that had 10 kids. In that time the wear and tear has led to the need to make repairs and replace the appliances so that the home is safe and functional for the next families.

There’s a short window of time to start and finish the needed repairs before two new families can move in. And $35,800 is needed to cover the cost of these repairs and renovations. 

Right now, TWO families are waiting to move in until the repairs are completed. Your gift will help make these repairs possible so that these families can start their new lives at Vision House. 

Will you send a special gift to help a family move into their new home? 

I'd like to help!

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The homelessness crisis

Homelessness in King County is exploding. The need, right now, is massive.

Why is there so much homelessness and what does it take to break the cycle of homelessness?

Find out more about our program and how we serve families experiencing homelessness. 

The work we're doing together is critical . . . and it's working.

Learn More


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Host a Table at our Luncheon!

Would you consider hosting a table at our luncheon? It’s simple - Invite guests to join you for a lunch of inspiration and impact.  

What does Table Hosting entail?

You can host a table by inviting guests from your professional and personal communities to join you with the goal of raising awareness and financial support for ending family homelessness.
Together, we can support families in need.  

Sign Up to Host a Table


Helping families in crisis break the cycle of homelessness

Snapshot of the 2023 Annual Report


individuals in families experiencing homelessness received housing and support services in 2023: 115 kids, 54 moms, and 9 dads.


families received housing stability services; referrals to permanent housing; support for legal, educational or employment needs; counseling and recovery referrals.   




of Vision House families completing the program move on to permanent housing!

Thank you so much! It’s been a life-changing experience, and we couldn’t

have done it without Vision House! We’re forever grateful

-Doreen, a recent housing client